Wednesday, June 10, 2015

$3 Billion in new CA revenues – How to Spend it?

By Kaki Rusmore, NAMC Core Leader and Director of the Center for Nonprofit Excellence

According to the Legislative Analyst’s Office, California may have as much as $3 billion in revenues above the Governor’s budget 2015- 2016 estimates. This provides an unprecedented opportunity to restore services cut in the Great Recession and support the communities our nonprofits serve. The CA Senate, Assembly and Governor have until June 15 to finalize the 2015-2016 budget, and many elements of health and human services funding are still being debated. The CA Budget and Policy Center just outlined 12 key health and human services issues that are under discussion. Read more and contact your legislator to advocate for the issues your nonprofit addresses.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Welcome to the Nonprofit Alliance of Monterey County's New Blog!

NAMC is jumping into the blogging sphere head first!  As an added value to our members, we plan over the coming weeks and months, to post brief articles and musings about nonprofits issues locally, regionally, and beyond.

You'll see posts about nonprofit leadership, board governance, changes in tax laws, planned giving and annual fund strategies, social media management and marketing....all sorts of topics.

We hope you will engage and explore with us in this new venture!  If you have an article you would like to share or post in this space, please contact NAMC's resident blogger, Jennifer Pettley.

See you in the blogosphere!

Nonprofit Alliance of Monterey County