Friday, March 4, 2016

Packed House Gathers for Community Engagement Training

 Non-profit representatives from all over Monterey County eagerly gathered last month to learn about organizing and engagement for each of their respective communities.

Individuals representing the Arts, Social Services, Environment, Education, Literacy, Housing, and others assembled to hear Tim McManus, the Lead Organizer for Communities Organized for Relational Power in Action (COPA) speak to “aligning interests for maximum benefit.” COPA does broad-based organizing.

Tim touched on the mission of COPA to develop the leadership skills of ordinary people to engage effectively in public life.

The engagement training, sponsored by the Nonprofit Alliance of Monterey County Advocacy Committee, provided some of the tools individuals would need to negotiate with public and private sector leaders.

These conversations can lead to changes in the economic, social, political and cultural pressures on their organizations and families served.

Tim differentiated between public and private relationships and how we can look at both ourselves and those with whom we want to engage.

It is important in any conversation that we remember the folks with whom we want to work also have influences in their lives – when we know those influences, we can find common ground and make a positive impact on our community.

Tim outlined the five key questions that each meeting must address to be successful. And while these conversations can take time and involve face-to-face interaction, the return on our investment can be invaluable to you as an individual and to your organization and those whom you serve!

Due to the success of this workshop and the long waitlist, NAMC will be schedule another session of this training in the future.

 --Tom Conway, Easter Seals of Central California NAMC Advocacy Committee

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